Weigh your puppy every two weeks and adjust the feed amount accordingly.
Puppies require between 5-10% of their current body weight in food per day. This amount will vary by breed, size and age.
Recommended daily feeding guide for puppies:
3 lb bag - 1/4 lb patties
Weight of Dog
Patties per Day
5 lbs
.5 - 1 patty
10 lbs
2 - 4 patties
15 lbs
3 - 6 patties
20 lbs
4 - 7 patties
25 lbs
5 - 8 patties
8 lb bag - 1/2 lb patties
Weight of Dog
Patties per Day
10 lbs
.5 - 1 patty
20 lbs
2 - 4 patties
30 lbs
3 - 6 patties
40 lbs
4 - 7 patties
50 lbs
5 - 8 patties
Store Tollden Farms products in your freezer until ready for use.
Transfer your pet's portion into the refrigerator to thaw before mealtime. Only thaw as much product as your pet needs for a single meal. Once thawed, the product should be served within 3-4 days.
Thaw in a leak proof, non-porous, non-plastic container.
Feed in a non-porous, non-plastic container, stainless steel or ceramic dish works best.
Any leftovers need to be refrigerated immediately and used within 3 days.